Sunday, June 7, 2009

ACK!!! I have a Teenager in My House!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

OK, so I suck at blogging, but everyone who knows me knows that.

Family update:

Jarin has graduated from 7th grade, is going to be playing baseball this Summer, and is going to Summer School.

Weston has graduated from 3rd grade, is going to play baseball this Summer, and is going to Summer School.

Kahlan has graduated from 1st grade, is taking Swimming lessons this Summer and is going to Summer School.

Joselyn is set to go to Kindergarten, is taking Swimming lessons this Summer, and will go to Full-day Summer School.

What will Mom do while all of these kids are gone? Easy.... Clean and no one will mess it up until after 2:30pm each day. She will probably babysit occasionally too.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

This is Kahlan's 7th birthday cake via My cell phone camera. It is pink on the inside as well as the outside edge.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Scores are in.....

Composite score is 18.

English- 18

Math- 17

Reading- 20

Science- 17

The 20 in Reading ables Jarin to go to one of the Summer Courses. Out of the list of about 15 different classes, He has chosen Myths and Legends first, and Introduction to Medical Science or Psychology. His first choice and not necessarily His Father and I's first choice for Him. He has until the 17th of April to get His application in.

Here is the link to the list of classes for the two Universities that Jarin can go to:

I plan on talking to The Reading Teacher over at the Junior High to see what She thinks is best for Him.

Any ideas on what classes you think he would like would be greatly appreciated.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Well.............. the ACT is done. Jarin will hear back in a few weeks as to what scores he got. I'm just happy that He got this chance at such a young age to try this out. IF He gets high enough scores he can take Summer courses through Duke University.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I have been doing fairly well Blogging more than I would have in a Journal... Maybe it is because someone will read it sooner than if I did it in a Journal. Since I last wrote we have had several storms that had my knee begging to be removed, Mike came for a "visit" for about 27 hours after having been gone for 3 weeks.

Currently we had Today off(No-School) due to Ice, and now tomorrow is cancelled too. That means all Youth activities are cancelled as well. The Kids fought all day today over who got to do what and when. I'm hoping after our interesting trip to Walmart, to exchange a broken Christmas Gift and spending Money that was given as a gift, that tomorrow will go better.

I did good this last Christmas for candy munching(except in utah thanks to "Mom" and her Harry and David Basket of YUMMIES!!!!!). I have about half a bag of Peppermint M & M's left and it is the only bag of candy that I bought for myself and myself alone.

Kahlan sold 72 boxes of Cookies for Girl Scouts with only marginal help from Mom. Jarin had a black eye from picking on a friends little sister one too many times(She got even by smacking Him with the tines to a garden rake).

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Today was Scouts for the Boys...yesterday was Girl Scouts(Kahlan is selling cookies until Monday)... the Cubs did achievement 22 in the Bear book, and the older boys went bowling with the Young Women.

I also cooked a whole Chicken today for our dinner with the Missionaries on Thursday(tomorrow). Jarin arranged the whole thing, and since Mike is unable to be there the first Counselor and His wife will be bringing them hewre and taking them home afterward. Jarin has asked me to make Homemade Chicken Soup in my Homemade Bread bowls. For dessert we are having Chocolate Chip Carmel Brownies with Vanilla Ice Cream.